Saturday, June 4, 2011

Baby Seagull Hatchlings

Earlier this week we had to walk the roof for some construction planning and found a seagull nest with a few eggs. Trying not to disturb the nest and birds I took a few pictures of them over a 3 day period.

The first day there was one baby that had just come out of the egg
Seagull Nest and hatchlings

The second day he was all dry and furry. A second chick was also beginning to peck his way out of the egg
Seagull Nest and hatchlings
Seagull Nest and hatchlings

In just a few minutes all of the seagulls in the area had come to the nest to help protect it from the intruders (me).
Seagull Nest and hatchlings

On day 3 there were now 2 baby seagulls all furry and dry. There was no sign of the third egg hatching yet. They will have the weekend to themselves.
Seagull Nest and hatchlings
Seagull Nest and hatchlings
Seagull Nest and hatchlings