See all the pictures from the trip here
Here is a Google Earth image of the actual route recorded by my GPS

This is the route going up just after getting out of the wash. Whale Peak is way off in the distance about 5 miles away

This was a steep wash ravine Google Earth didn't show me

Yours truly

Started finding pottery going up

More "trail"

Got to walk in a small sandy wash for awhile, lots of animal tracks

There was some more pottery and a small milling feature along the way

It was at this steep climb near the top I almost convinced myself to turn around and go back to my truck where there was cold beer waiting

I pressed on and found this cool old Juniper tree at the top of the ridge line

I still had two valleys like this to cross to get to the top of Whale Peak, that would still be another 1.5 miles or so.

At the top of Whale Peak looking west towards the Laguna Mountains and Vallecito Valley below

On the east side of the peak you can see the Salton Sea

There is a rock shelter that guards the hikers register. There were many great places to camp overnight at the top.

The register. This is a popular peak with entries every few days.

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